Conference Program


Session Type

Monday, November 18

Érik Cunha, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), OceanPact
Adriano Ranieri, COO, OceanPact
Flavio de Andrade, CEO, OceanPact
Arthur Kos, Technology and Innovation Director, OceanPact
Leonardo Maciel, Innovation Manager, OceanPact
Patricia Maggi, Environmental Analyst, Ibama
Cintia Bonfim, Environmental Analyst, IBAMA - Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources
Tatiana Mafra, Sustainability Manager, BW Energy
Ricardo Canela, Head of Sustainability, HSSE and Research, Development & Innovation, Karoon Energy
Rodrigo Cochrane, Oil Spill Senior Technical Advisor - Contingency and Emergency Response, Petrobras


Protecting the world from the impact of oils spills requires study, protection, monitoring and sustainable use of the sea, the coast, and marine resources. Steps must be taking to ensure their protection and conservation.

This workshop will cover what is involved in today’s high-tech and environmentally sensitive world of monitoring and detection of oil spills from a very broad perspective. It involves coordination between Oil & Gas producers, research and development, contingency planning, ongoing environment research, as well as technologies and innovation. Please join us for this workshop and hear from the experts. 

Bob Patterson, Managing Director, Witt O'Brien's, LLC / Ambipar Response


This workshop is designed for introductory level Incident Command System (ICS) practitioners. Participants will begin by reviewing ICS fundamentals before moving into a scenario-based practical exercise, engaging in activities from perspectives of six key positions from the command and general staff. Activities will be framed around a continual improvement concept, focusing on three core elements of effective ICS performance: forms, collaboration, and deliverables.

Douglas Townsend CSP, CHMM, Corporate Compliance and Training Manager, SET Environmental, Inc.
Paul Nony PhD, CIH, CSP, Senior Vice President and Principal Toxicologist, CTEH, LLC
Courtney Del Donno MPH, Consultant, CTEH, LLC
Peter Everlof, Director, Health and Safety, Lewis Environmental
Stephen Pelna, Vice President, Lewis Environmental


Attendees should take away an understanding of the “soup to nuts” responsibilities of being the “Safety Officer” on a large-scale spill response. Attendees will leave with the understanding of their roles, responsibilities, exposure and consequences of not establishing a safe work environment.


Key takeaways:


1.)   HASP (Health and Safety Plan)- What is the purpose of a HASP, how to create a HASP and who is responsible for the HASP. (Creating the HASP from a mock scenario of a train derailment on a major river).


2.)   Daily Safety Briefings (JSA) How to create an effective JSA based on the scope of work, the site hazards and a means of performing the job safely.   Discuss potential language barriers with contractor labor force and how to effectively communicate with the crews.


3.)   Site Safety Audits- Understand the importance of conducting site safety audits. Review the process of conducting a site safety audit, identifying the hazards, correct the significant/detrimental hazards immediately and communicate your finds to prevent similar issues from occurring in the future.


Who Should Attend

·        Newly hired safety professionals

·        Safety liaisons or designated company representatives that do not hold a Safety Officer title

Allyson Purcell MEP, CEM, CMER Director, ConocoPhillips
Rebecca Roth, GOM Operations Excellence-Project Manager, Occidental US Offshore
Dan Paine, Superintendent, Facilities & IOC (Eagle Ford Area), ConocoPhillips
Greg Glowacki, Director Real Estate HSE (Houston area), ConocoPhillips
Scott W. Scheffler, Shell Emergency Management
Angela Barrow, Global Enterprise Manager, Emergency Management, Chevron
Jacob Bird BS, VP, Logistics, CTEH, LLC

As predicted, the 2024 hurricane season left a trail of destruction from the Texas coast to the Carolinas. Hurricane season got off to an early start in June with Hurricane Beryl aiming for the Texas Gulf Coast. The hurricane models forecasted Beryl to make landfall between Corpus Christi and Matagorda Bay. In preparation of landfall companies across Southeast Texas activated their hurricane response plans. Beryl defied the forecasted direction of its predicted path at landfall and moved more eastward leaving many companies and local personnel in the Houston area caught off guard with the surprising amount of infrastructure damage. This session will highlight the decision-making process and after-action items to re-evaluate how we responded to Beryl, as well as discuss other storms that impacted our processes, plans, and procedures or forced us to adjust how we might respond in the future..

Refreshments also provided.

1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Room: 351 D
Frank Paskewich, President, Clean Gulf Associates
James Hanzalik, Vice-President, Clean Gulf Associates
  • Clean Gulf Associates Autonomous Underwater and Surface Vessel
Gina Coelho, Senior Technical Advisor, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)
  • Surface Water Droplet Size Distribution Instrument Laboratory Validation, Tank Deployment, and Field Evaluation
Ann Slaughter, Chemical Treatments Portfolio Program Manager, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)
Wen Ji, Postdoctoral Researcher, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Michel Boufadel, Distinguished Professor and Director, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Jodi Harney Ph.D., Vice President, Energy, CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc.
  • Dispersant Monitoring Quality Assurance Project Plan

In this session we will discuss the EPA’s requirement to conduct surface and subsea dispersant monitoring for oil spills of 100,000 gallons or greater, or dispersant use in excess of 96 hours. Various elements will be covered including the type of equipment used, what is involved in developing a dispersant monitoring quality assurance project plan, and how monitoring fits in with U.S. Coast Guard SMART Protocols.

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Room: 351 F
Track 5: Response Research and Technologies
Brent Koza, State Scientific Support Coordinator, Research & Development, Texas General Land Office OSPR
Michelle Karpinsky, Graduate Student, Florida International University
  • Generalization of Crude Oil for Oil Detection Canines Using Odor Profile Fractions
Paul Bunker, Principal, Chiron-K9 LLC
Loretta Battaglia, Director, Center for Coastal Studies, Texas A & M Corpus Christi
  • Tar Deposits and False Positive Observations on a Mustang Island Beach, Texas
Ed Owens, President, OCC Ltd
Paul Bunker, Principal, Chiron-K9 LLC
Lt. James Brian Mitchell Ph.D., Chief Scientist, Merl-Consulting SAS
  • Tackling Smoke Emissions from In-Situ Burning
Merv Fingas, Chief Scientist, Spill Science Inc.
Anca Florescu-Mitchell, President, Merl-Consulting SAS
Michel Boufadel PhD, PE, Distinguished Professor and Director, New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Subsurface Mechanical Dispersion of Oil Blowouts
Scott Socolofsky, Professor, Texas A &M

This session will cover a variety of topics in oil spill research including crude oil detection using canines, in-situ burn smoke emissions, and subsurface mechanical dispersion of oil. On-shore crude oil detection canines have shown they are capable of rapidly detecting both surface and subsurface oil deposits with high accuracy. Additionally, documenting false positives during both human and canine tar deposit beach surveys on a section of non-manicured beach will be discussed. Approaches to create a product that can be incorporated into in-situ burn (ISB) operations to reduce emissions and/ or eliminate a plume resulting from ISB will be discussed. This session will also explore subsurface mechanical dispersion as an alternative measure to chemical dispersants in breaking up oil from underwater blowouts into small droplets. 

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Room: 351 D
John Sweeney, Gulf of Mexico Regional Response Manager, Clean Gulf Associates
James Hanzalik, Vice-President, Clean Gulf Associates
  • Clean Gulf Associate's Accell Clean DWD Stockpile
John Swift, President/CEO, Marine Spill Response Corporation
  • Marine Spill Response Corporation's COREXIT 9500 Stockpile
Paul Schuler, Director, External Affairs, Oil Spill Response USA Inc.
  • Oil Spill Response Limited World Perspective

This session will provide updates on dispersant testing results and/or the replacement and/or acquisition of new dispersants in response to EPA requirements to retest and recertify all existing stockpiles in the United States.

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Room: 351 F
Track 5: Response Research and Technologies
Steve Buschang, Physical Scientist/Research Program Manager, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)
Robert Martin PhD, Emergency Management Specialist, Shell Emergency Management - PTS
Gina Coelho, Senior Technical Advisor, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)
  • Advancing BSEE Response Research Technologies through a Novel On-Water Test and Evaluation Pilot Initiative
Kenneth Lee, Science Lead, Multi-Partner Research Initiative (MPRI), Natural Resources Canada - Government of Canada
  • Development and Application of Oil Spill Mitigation Technologies for Inland Regions and Waterways
Gina Coelho, Senior Technical Advisor, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)
  • BSEE Prize Challenge for Remote Sensing: Advancing the Science of Spill Detection
Maria Hartley Ph.D., Technical Lead, Chevron
  • Advancing Industry's Marine Spill Preparedness and Response Globally: Ipieca Updates Including Alternative Fuels, Good Practice Guidance, Dispersants, and the Ipieca-IMO Global Initiatives

This session will focus on the development and advancement of technologies related to oil spill response through scientific research and initiatives. The presentations will cover the current development and application of technologies, as well as future challenges and opportunities associated with oil spill technology development.

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Room: 351 E
Track 4: Training and Exercises
Helen Dubach, Environmental Director, CTEH, LLC
Keith Nichols, Senior Scientist/Project Manager, CK Associates LLC
Dee Oos MEd (Invited), Area Contingency Plan Program Manager, U.S. Coast Guard 8th District
  • Regulatory Requirements For Drills/Exercises
Nicole Franks, President, NJ Resources, Inc.
  • The Different Types of drills, Exercises, their Purpose, Deliverables, and Benefits
Lisa Saint, Crisis & Continuity Manager (Retired), BP Trading and Shipping
  • The Benefits of Exercising from a Responsible Part (RP) Viewpoint
Bruce Simons, Prevention and Preparedness Coordinator, Texas General Land Office
  • The Benefits of Exercising from an Agency Viewpoint

What is a drill, exercise, seminar, workshop? What are the differences between these? Why should we exercise? Join us for this session as we break these down and set the foundation for the rest of the Training and Exercise Track. 

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Room: Level 2 – Avenida Balcony

Tuesday, November 19

8:30 am - 10:00 am
Room: 350 D
CDR Commander Brad Bergan, Commanding Officer, U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Texas City
Jeff Davis, Regional Director-Upper Texas Coast, Texas General Land Office
Clinton Williams Jr., Director of Emergency Response, T&T Marine Salvage Inc.
Helen Dubach, Environmental Director, CTEH, LLC

This session provides an opportunity to review best practices and lessons learned between major parties involved in the Pelican Island Bridge Allision following a partial bridge collapse and subsequent pollution response. Topics will include a case summary on the bridge allision, transportation impacts, pollution response tactics, and wildlife impacts. The session will wrap up with a moderated panel discussion with all of the speakers.

8:30 am - 10:00 am
Room: 351 D
Brent Koza, State Scientific Support Coordinator, Research & Development, Texas General Land Office OSPR
D'Anne Stites, Compliance and Enforcement, Oil Spill Prevention and Response, Texas General Land Office
Sean Quinlan, Communications Program Manager/Community Liaison, U.S. DOT PHMSA
  • PHMSA Outreach to Underserved and Transportation Disadvantaged Communities
Ashley Sandquist, Lead Spill Responder, Washington State Department of Ecology
  • Viability of Crowdsourcing for Oil Spill Planning, Response, and Restoration
Lee Mayfield, Director of Response, Hagerty Consulting
  • Long-Term Recovery and Community Engagement on High-Profile Incidents - Best Practices and Emerging Priorities Beyond Response

Oil spills, hazardous material spills, and natural disasters can have a tremendous impact on local communities. This session will highlight different engagement efforts and lessons learned.

8:30 am - 10:00 am
Room: 351 F
Track 6: Planning and Preparedness
Paige Doelling Ph.D., Scientific Support Coordinator, NOAA/NOS/OR&R/ERD
Alex Nunez, Kills and Spills Team, Region 4 Coordinator, Texas Parks & Wildlife
CDR (retired) CDR (retired) Zachary Pickett, Emergency Manager, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Corpus Christi
  • Increasing Wildlife Response Readiness
Justin Sefcik, Chief Operating Officer, Texas State Aquarium
Danielle Hale, Director of Emergency Management, Port of Corpus Christi
Barry Forsythe Ph.D., National Spill Response Coordinator, US Fish & Wildlife Service
  • Best Practices for Migratory Bird Care During Oil Spill Response
Alex Nunez, Kills and Spills Team, Region 4 Coordinator, Texas Parks & Wildlife
  • Net Environmental Benefit for Coastal Spill Response
Sheryl Maruca, Consulting Scientist, Chevron Environmental Functional Team, Chevron
  • Planning and Preparation for Potential Wildlife Management Issues

Fish and birds and turtles…oh my. We never want to impact wildlife, but essential planning prior to an event ensures response is appropriate to protect it. This session will focus on increasing readiness and best practices.

Gil Martinez, Emergency Response Advisor, Murphy Exploration & Production Co.
Terry Hasenauer, Emergency Response Consultant, Witt O'Brien's
Gil Martinez, Emergency Response Advisor, Murphy Exploration & Production Co.
David Hill, Director of Response & Exercises, The Response Group

In this session panelists will discuss the components of an exercise according to the NPREP 3-year cycle utilizing the HSEEP Process. Panelists will also give examples on how to do this.

10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Room: 350 D
Kevin Palm, Technical Projects & BD, Cotton Logistics
Nelson Fetgatter, President, Phoenix Pollution Control
Eugene Barlow, Crisis & Continuity/Emergency Management Advisor for the Gulf of Mexico & Canada, bp GoM
Rick Ferguson, Senior Emergency Management Specialist, Shell Oil Products US
Forrest Jackson, Executive Vice President, Cotton Logistics
Joe Torres, Emergency MGT Specialist, TC Energy

This session will cover challenges of setting up a response in remote locations. For example, often times an operator’s 1st or even 2nd Incident Command Posts (ICP) are not always usable or geographically suitable. Also included will be a logistics supplier viewpoint on meeting the needs of the response environment which can include housing, food, medical, and community.

10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Room: 351 D
Michael Roldan, Senior Consultant, Hazmat Safety Consulting
Thomas Sturgeon MSc, Technical Advisor, ITOPF Limited
Jim Elliott, Chief Operating Officer, T&T Group of Companies
Richard Davi, Global EP&R Advisor, ExxonMobil Corporation

This session will address the transition from traditional marine fuels to alternative options and the need to ensure their safe use as bunkers and their safe carriage as cargoes. Alternative fuels represent one element in the all-hands effort needed to achieve the UN's Global Development Initiatives. The successful transition to alternative fuels will depend on properly preventing, preparing and responding to alternative fuels and to their potential incidents.  

10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Room: 351 F
Commander, USCG (Ret.) Dan Somma, Marine Terminal Advisor, Marathon Petroleum Company LP
John Carroll III, Associate Managing Director - Compliance Services, Witt O'Brien's, LLC / Ambipar Response
Michael Herod CSP, Senior Health, Safety, Security, Environment, Emergency Response Professional, Motiva Enterprises, Retired
Richard Raksnis, Supervisor, Oil Spill Response Plans and Emergency Support, U.S. DOT PHMSA

It’s time for some Jeopardy! Learn through an interactive session how to build a plan, review it, and submit it correctly in a knowledgeable and fun interactive session! This session will highlight tips and tricks to help your organization submit top-quality, bulletproof plans to the EPA, PHMSA, and USCG regulators. This session will review essential lessons learned from real-world examples of facility response plans, oil spill response plans, dock operations manuals, spill prevention, control, and countermeasure plan submissions, and agency audits. Avoid costly delays and unnecessary plan reviews by getting it right first! Learn from experts with over 80 years of combined experience and who have supported thousands of plans.

10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Room: 351 E
Daniel Buchanan MS, CSP, Training Manager, Emergency Services Training Institute (ESTI)/Industrial Incident Management, Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)
Elizabeth Roumell Ph.D., Associate Professor, Texas A&M University, School of Educational Administration & Human Resource Development
  • Fundamentals of Adult Learning and Education

This session will present the fundamentals of Adult Education and more specifically, to relate to “how” adults learn. Enhancing Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA) development and retention throughout an adult’s career will be a focus as well.

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Room: 350 D
Eddie Murphy, Emergency Response Liaison, U.S. DOT PHMSA
Jim Elliott, Chief Operating Officer, T&T Group of Companies
  • Genius Star XI Ion Lithium-Ion Battery Fire Response Case Study
Keith Glenn, Federal On-Scene Coordinator, U.S. EPA, Region 2
  • Maui Lithium-Ion Battery Fires Response Case Study
Michael Roldan, Senior Consultant, Hazmat Safety Consulting
  • Update from the National Chemical Transportation Safety Advisory Committee

This session will provide case studies on the Maui Wildfire and the M/V Genius Start XI battery responses. Information you need will include special considerations for safe handling of damaged, defective, and recalled batteries.

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Room: 351 D
Track 3: Emerging Trends and Concerns
Michael Roldan, Senior Consultant, Hazmat Safety Consulting
Stephen Pepper, Sr Consultant - PFAS Programs, CTEH, LLC
  • Effective Management of AFFF Runoff: Early Consideration Strategies for Containment and PFAS Remediation
Enid Chiu, Acting Branch Manager, Preparedness, Removal, Exercise and Policy Branch, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • EPA Perspective on PFAS and Emergency Response
Derek Kliethermes MS, CIH, Sr IH/ER Consultant, CTEH, LLC
  • Assessment of Industrial Hygiene Exposure During Large Scale Fire Suppression Tests Using Fluorine-Free Foams

With new regulations and requirements on the horizon, PFAS are creating disruptions and uncertainty. This session will specially focus on PFAS containing Aqueous Film-Forming Foams (AFFF) and its containment, remediation, and exposure risks.

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Room: 351 F
Track 6: Planning and Preparedness
Ed Owens, President, OCC Ltd
Chris Tracy, Environmental Engineer, Heritage Environmental Services
Ed Owens, President, OCC Ltd
  • Remote Area Shoreline Treatment Feasibility and Viability Analyses
Odd Willy Brude, Senior Principal Consultant, DNV
Hans Petter Dahslett, Environmental Risk Group Leader, DNV
Adriana Suarez, Remediation Specialist, Kak-Lamor
  • Barrier-Based Environmental Risk Management of Accidents Leading to Major Oil Spills
Fidel Ilizastigui, Associate Principal Safety Consultant, Risquest Safety Consultants
Victoria Broje Ph.D., Principal Emergency Management Specialist - Environment, Shell Emergency Management - PTS
  • Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA) for a Hypothetical Loss of Well Control Scenario in the Gulf of Mexico
Adriana Bejarano, Sr. Environmental Scientist/Marine Biologist, NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Gabrielle McGrath, Portfolio Manager - Spill Response Specialist, RPS Ocean Science/Tetra Tech
DaMonica Pierson, Compliance Team Lead, Shell Exploration & Production Company
Brent Koza, State Scientific Support Coordinator, Research & Development, Texas General Land Office OSPR
  • Aging Oil & Gas Infrastructure in Texas Bays

During planning and preparedness, a thoughtful approach to risk management before the spill will lead to meaningful loss considerations and activities. We will explore Net Environmental Benefits Analysis (NEBA), barrier-based risk management, and shoreline treatment. 

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Room: 351 E
Track 4: Training and Exercises
Jennifer Crouch, CEM Advisor - GOM, Woodside Energy Ltd.
Dustin White PCP, CBCP, Crisis & Emergency Management Advisor - Africa and Americas, Woodside Energy Ltd.
Allyson Purcell MEP, CEM, CMER Director, ConocoPhillips
Josh Dubach MSc, CEM, Director, Preparedness & Response, NJ Resources, Inc.
Jared Angelle (CDR, USCG, retired), CEM, MEP, Emergency Response Team Leader, Phillips 66

There are several factors that make up an effective training program. Specifically in this session the speakers will breakdown the following aspects to include – leadership, minimum requirements, selection of team members, and the facilitation of training.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Room: General Assembly C
Rich Byrnes, Chief Port Infrastructure Officer, Port of Houston Authority
  • The Power of And: Doing Good for Business And the Environment

Open to All CLEAN GULF Registrants

CRRC will host a meeting to discuss all current and ongoing research regarding remote sensing, sunken oil, dispersants, modeling, and toxicity for incident response, preparedness, assessment/restoration.

Wednesday, November 20

8:45 am - 10:00 am
Room: General Assembly C
Jimmy A. Martinez, Deputy Director, Texas General Land Office
Nick Hatten, State On-Scene Coordinator, Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Capt. Trey Wirth, Chief, U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Marine Environmental Response Policy

An integral part of preparing for an oil spill response is being current and up-to-date on state and federal regulations. Learn what you need to know to conduct business relative to oil spill response and remediation directly from the federal and state regulators who are responsible for proposing new rules as well as implementation and enforcement.

10:45 am - 12:15 pm
Room: 350 D
Melanie Manville MEP, CEM, CBCP, Senior Emergency Preparedness & Response Advisor, Marine Well Containment Company
Lee Britton, Sr. Emergencies Scientist & PhD Candidate, Memorial University
  • Underwater Seabed Cleanup Assessment Technique (uSCAT) Manual Overview
Kolin Ibrahim, Health Safety and Environment Officer, Marine Well Containment Company
  • Continuous Improvement in Source Control
Andy Quast, Spill Responder, WA State Department of Ecology, Spills Program
  • Initial Community Air Monitoring During a Significant Spill Response Event
Geoff Baran, Natural Resource Damage Assessment Lead, WA State Department of Ecology, Spills Program

As drilling evolves so too must the tools, equipment, and responder training. This session will provide an opportunity for attendees to learn about advancements in capping stacks and subsea dispersant injection technology for oil spill response, understand the Underwater Seabed Cleanup Assessment Technique (uSCAT) Manual and gain new insights into community air monitoring programs for oil spills.

Stephen Pepper, Sr Consultant - PFAS Programs, CTEH, LLC
Sally Mostellar RN, Senior Medical Specialist, CTEH, LLC
Deputy Fire Chief Brandon Davis, Senior Emergency Response Consultant, Phillips 66
Nick Benson CFO, FCOE, SSU, SCCM, Leader, Crisis and Continuity Management, Equinor US

The waters and diverse ecosystems of the Gulf are our treasures, and its guardians - the responders who manage and mitigate spills and environmental hazards - are the unsung heroes dedicated to its protection. Yet, with the high stakes and intense demands of their roles comes a hidden toll; the impact on responders' mental health. In this critical session we will delve into the unique psychological challenges faced by these environmental stewards. From the emotional aftermath of large-scale disasters to the stress of ongoing vigilance for potential threats, our focus will be on equipping responders with the tools and support they need to maintain their mental well-being.

Darren Shelton, Sales Director, Moran Shipping Agencies, Inc.
Captain Keith Donohue, Sector Commander, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston
Capt. JJ Plunkett, Port Agent, Houston Pilots
Nathaniel Hough, Vice President - Gulf Coast Operations, Campbell Transportation Company, Inc.
James Prazak, Performance Director, Tricon Energy International/Port Coordination Team, Lone Star Harbor Safety Committee
Capt. David Foret, Chairman CEO, The ACTion Group
Jim Elliott, Chief Operating Officer, T&T Group of Companies
Greg Delong, Director, Marine Liaison, Enterprise Products

Harbor Safety Committees are key enablers of the national Marine Transportation System, supporting domestic and global supply chains and promoting the safe, efficient, and environmentally sound operation of our ports and waterways. The Lone Star Harbor Safety Committee is critical to the success of the Ports of Houston, Galveston, Texas City and Freeport and associated waterways, including the Houston Ship Channel. This panel of Lone Star Harbor Safety Committee Executive Leaders will include federal agency perspectives; harbor safety committee best management practices, challenges, and solutions for managing congested waterways, emergency response, and reducing waterway incidents; and the future of maritime safety in the nation’s largest petrochemical complex.

10:45 am - 12:15 pm
Room: 351 E
Track 4: Training and Exercises
Matthew Tilimon, Emergency Management Specialist, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston
David Hill, Director of Response & Exercises, The Response Group
Lance Tannehill, Senior Consultant, The Response Group
  • Exercise Design and Development Best Practices
Chris James, Director Response Operations, Witt O'Brien's, LLC / Ambipar Response
  • Exercise Conduct Best Practices
Dan Deptula (Capt. U.S. Coast Guard, ret.), Operations Manager, EMSI
  • Exercise Evaluation Best Practices

Don’t just check the regulatory box. Come hear from expert exercise practitioners on how to design, conduct, and evaluate an effective exercise that truly informs and trains your personnel while testing and validating important plans, policies, and procedures.

12:15 pm - 1:30 pm
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Room: 350 D
Bob Patterson, Managing Director, Witt O'Brien's, LLC / Ambipar Response
Capt. David O'Connell, Commander, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Maryland-NCR
  • Designated FOSC
Col. Estee Pinchasin, Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District
  • Responsible for the Federal Channel
Chris James, Director Response Operations, Witt O'Brien's, LLC / Ambipar Response
  • Responsible Party Incident Commander

Early morning March 26, 2024 the MV DALI, an outbound containership, allided with the Francis Scott Key Bridge, causing the bridge to collapse on the vessel’s bow and into the waterway. This “Incident of National Significance” has understandably captured the world’s attention and came with unique challenges due to its complexity, political climate, and uncommon Incident Command System (ICS) organizational structure.

This session will include the perspectives and insights directly from the Unified Command leads. 

Brian House, Executive Director, Spill Control Association of America (SCAA)
Rebecca Broussard, Environmental Protection Specialist, U.S. EPA/OEM
John Carroll III, Associate Managing Director - Compliance Services, Witt O'Brien's, LLC / Ambipar Response
Angie Martin P.E., President, Spill Control Association of America (SCAA)

Organized by Spill Control Association of America (SCAA)

As the dust settles on the final hazardous substances rule, we will explore timelines and the types of materials that may be released, as well as explore what may be appropriate from a planning perspective. We will also discuss potential prevention activities and potential response strategies. We will explore EPA’s plans to produce tools for planning as well.

A panel of experts will be led through a facilitated session designed to educate and engage the audience about the various elements, challenges and considerations to this important topic followed by Q&A.

Jim Elliott, Chief Operating Officer, T&T Group of Companies
Michael Dean, Executive Director, American Salvage Association
Joseph Farrell, Chief Executive Officer, Resolve Marine Group
Jim Elliott, Chief Operating Officer, T&T Group of Companies
Tim Couvillion, Chief Executive Officer, Couvillion Group

Organized by the American Salvage Association (ASA)

This session will focus on the state of the U.S. marine salvage and firefighting industry and include presentations by current, past, and future Presidents of the American Salvage Association. Topics will include industry challenges from megaships to alternative fuels, recent case studies and lessons learned including lithium battery/car carrier incidents, subsea oil recovery operations and large-scale shipwreck removals, and regulatory and policy issues with a discussion on the future of the marine casualty response industry.

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Room: 351 E
Benjamin Badon, Emergency Response Advisor, Hess Corporation
Matthew Tilimon, Emergency Management Specialist, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston
Kade Long SAA-TPOC/STO, Chief, Training Division, Texas Division of Emergency Management
  • State of Texas ICS Training and Certification Process
Vincent Velasquez, Sr. Emergency Preparedness & Response Advisor, Occidental Petroleum Corporation
  • Industry Example of ICS Certification Training Process
LCDR Benjamin Cariddi, Emergency Manager, U.S. Coast Guard Office of Emergency Management and Disaster Response (CG-OEM)
  • U.S. Coast Guard ICS Qualification Process and Standards

Personnel who fill positions in the ICS have the ultimate responsibility to ensure the safety and security of the public, responders, and the environment when an incident occurs. Whether you are in the public or private sector, we have an obligation to the stakeholders that have entrusted this obligation to us. One of the ways in which we meet this commitment is by ensuring that the personnel that fill these roles have the proper training and skill set to perform their assigned tasks. This session will explore how we can accomplish this task. We will look at the standards set at the state and federal level as well as best practices within the oil & gas industry.   

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Room: 350 D
Captain Keith Donohue, Sector Commander, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston
TJ Engstrom CEP, Director Emergency Services, SET Environmental, Inc.
James Shuler, Emergency Response Manager, Energy Transfer Partners
Chris Dudek, Area Response Manager, Marine Spill Response Corporation
Jim Smith, Vice President of Business Services, E3 Environmental
Captain Keith Donohue, Sector Commander, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston

With a decrease in spill events leading to less hands-on response experience, to reduced funding and crushing regulations, the challenges facing OSRO’s continues to evolve. This session will begin with a “Status of the Industry” for OSRO’s and Operators. It will be followed by a panel discussion on how the response community is navigating modern challenges to maintain legacy services.

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Room: 351 F
Track 7: Ports and Maritime
CWO Michael Walker, Marine Safety Specialist Response, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston
Josh Clifford, Vice President, Operations and Emergency Response, QT Environmental
  • Managing the Unexpected: Tobago Salvage and Oil Spill Response
Michael Roldan, Senior Consultant, Hazmat Safety Consulting
  • Solutions to Address Risks of the Ghost Fleet
KC Sullivan, C&CM Training & Exercise Manager, bp
  • Case Study: Aquatic Invasive Species during Spill Response Operations

Marine casualty and oil spill response operations are often dynamic, complex, and stressful events involving myriad stakeholders. The Maritime Case Study Panel will present a number of response case studies with unique challenges; from rogue, substandard tank vessels operating in violation of US sanctions, to an abandoned, capsized tank barge in Tobago that created a major government-funded oil spill and salvage operation, to the complexities of managing invasive species and permitting during oil spill response operations.

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Room: 351 D
Daniel Buchanan MS, CSP, Training Manager, Emergency Services Training Institute (ESTI)/Industrial Incident Management, Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)
Eugene Barlow, Crisis & Continuity/Emergency Management Advisor for the Gulf of Mexico & Canada, bp GoM
Steve Roberts, Principal, Roberts Law Group PLLC/Chemical Security Group LLC
  • Compliance Considerations for the Proposed Rule's Workplace Violence and Security-Related Requirements
Larissa Ipsen M.S., Area Director - Houston South Area Office, U.S. Department of Labor - OSHA
  • OSHA Update
Douglas Townsend CSP, CHMM, Health & Safety Committee Chair, Spill Control Association of America (SCAA)
Mike Gettinger CFPS, Senior Corporate Trainer, E3 Environmental
Jim Elliott (Invited), Chief Operating Officer, T&T Group of Companies

This session will provide a review of OSHA’s Emergency Response Standard 1910.156 followed by a Question & Answer session with the speakers and two added panelists. Come prepared to learn and get your questions answered.

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Room: 351 E
Track 4: Training and Exercises
Kevin Bailey, Principal, Emergency Preparedness & Response, ExxonMobil - Global Operations & Sustainability
David Hill, Director of Response & Exercises, The Response Group
Joseph Chaney, Principal for Oil Spill Response, ExxonMobil Corporation
Kevin Bailey, Principal, Emergency Preparedness & Response, ExxonMobil - Global Operations & Sustainability
David Hill, Director of Response & Exercises, The Response Group

What are the different processes within incident command? How can your teams be trained in this process? The speakers in this session will not only answer these questions but also cover important topics such as tactical planning and pitfalls, working through the approval process, and establishing and preparing for Unified Command (UC). Join these experts as they delve into these topics and uncover the answers.